Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Hépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive

Volume 30, issue 4, April 2023


Volume 30, issue 4, April 2023


En accès libre Artificial intelligence and endoscopy: an ethical choice (p.387-9)
Jean-Louis Payen
Free Access


Article Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction: pathophysiology, epidemiology, and therapeutic management (p.390-8)
Pierre Mayer, Pierre-Yves Christmann, François Habersetzer, Sébastian Vuola, Lucile Héroin

Article Anti-TNF in IBD on mono- or combotherapy: when to stop or reduce the dose? (p.399-402)
Xavier Roblin, Mathilde Barrau

Article Portal cavernoma cholangiopathy (p.403-11)
Émilie Malezieux, Lucy Meunier, Mathilde Sanavio, Boris Guiu, Antoine Debourdeau

Article Liver transplantation in the light of Covid-19 (p.412-20)
Élise Lemaître, Guillaume Lassailly, Emmanuel Boleslawski, Gilles Lebbuffe, Sébastien Dharancy

Article What infusion should be prescribed in the initial phase of acute pancreatitis? (p.421-8)
Benoît Dupont, Thomas Chaigneau, Marie-Astrid Piquet

Article Metastatic pancreatic cancer: current therapeutic strategies in the theranostic area (p.429-36)
Jean-Baptiste Bachet

Article Metastatic pancreatic cancer: current therapeutic strategies in the theranostic area (p.430)
Jean-Baptiste Bachet


Article Once upon a time in the South (of Paris)… there was the birth of the School of Proctology, a French peculiarity (p.437-43)
Paul Benfredj


Article Civil proceedings before the judicial court (p.444-50)
Aurélien Boinette, Anne-Laure Imbert Tarrerias


Article À retenir du n°3 Mars 2023 (p.451-3)