
Virologie, the official journal of the French Society of Virology has been indexed Medline/PubMed, since February 2019.
Virologie offers top-level information for all those for whom virology is already the main or an important part of their activity: biologists, clinicians, pharmacists, veterinarians, agronomists, etc.
Made up of review articles written by the best clinicians and researchers in the field, Virology provides detailed data and reports on the latests knowledge, drawing onthe most recent publication in the international literature.
A new section for review articles written in english will be open, the "english e-section of Virologie".
Editorial policy
Here you will find all JLE policies regarding publication in our journals. JLE journals follow the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). These guidelines are the reference for best practices and ethical standards for the conduct and presentation of research and other information published in medical journals.
- Editorial policy
- Peer review policy
- Commercial policy
- Ethical rules - Links of interest, human and animal rights, informed patient consent
- Corrections, retractions and expressions of reservations
- Copyright, Open Access and data sharing
Instructions for authors version pdf
Virologie is a journal aimed at scientists – biologists, doctors, pharmacists and vets – who have an interest in the rapid evolution of virology and its implications. Texts should contribute towards improving knowledge across all areas of virology (human, animal, plant, environmental, fundamental, applied virology, etc.) and must be accessible to the largest number of readers, including those who are not specialised in the subject.
Virologie publishes review articles, conference reports, case studies and editorial material in French and is setting up an English language review section.
Review articles may be submitted:
1. in French: the review will be published as a paper and online version in Virologie;
2. with a translation in English: the English version will be published as free open access on the site;
3. in English only: with optional paying open access costing €400.
How to pay for articles in paying open access: please fill in the form and pay online using the following link: The article will be made available within a few days.
Published articles are indexed on MedLine/PubMed, Embase/Excerpta Medica, Index Copernicus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Biosis Previews, Google Scholar and Scopus.
To ensure the article meets the requirements for publication, we ask all authors to follow the instructions for submitting articles.
– Authors: the first author is the person who has made a substantial contribution to designing and drafting the manuscript. Where illustrations are provided by a third party, regardless of whether or not they have already been published, the author must submit all permissions required for them to be incorporated into the article alongside the manuscript.
By submitting an article, the author confirms to the Editors of Virologie that all steps have been taken during the collection of experimental and clinical data to comply with legal obligations and the Helsinki Charter. In particular, the author confirms that they have received patients’ informed consent. Upon request, the corresponding author should sign and return the transfer of copyright document.
– Conflict of interest: the authors agree to inform the Editors of Virologie of any conflict of interest. A conflict of interest statement will be sent with the final proofs and authors will be asked to list any financial interests, clinical trials, ad hoc interventions or family relationships which may influence their professional judgement.
Manuscripts written in French or English should be submitted by email to one of the Associate Editors:
– Anne Gatignol, Laboratoire des interactions virus-cellule, Institut Lady Davis de recherches médicales, Université McGill, Montréal, QC, Canada <>
– David Gilmer, Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes, 12, rue du Général-Zimmer, 67084 Strasbourg, France <>
– Nicolas Lévêque, Laboratoire de virologie et mycobactériologie, CHU de Poitiers, Bât. UBM, 2 rue de la Milétrie, 86000 Poitiers, France <>
– Sébastien Nisole, “Viral Trafficking, Restriction and Innate Signaling” (VTRIS), Institut de recherche en infectiologie de Montpellier (IRIM), CNRS UMR9004, 1919 route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France <>
– Aure Saulnier, Société Française de Virologie, France <>
– Noël Tordo, Unité de stratégies antivirales, Institut Pasteur, 25, Rue du Docteur-Roux, 75724 Paris cedex 15, France / Institut Pasteur de Guinée, Université Gamal Abdel Nasser, Conakry Guinée <>
– Damien Vitour, UMR1161 Virologie Anses-Inrae-ENVA, Laboratoire de santé animale, 14 rue Pierre-et-Marie-Curie 94704 Maisons-Alfort, France <>
Once accepted for publication, the manuscript (in the case of a review, accompanied by a translation into French or English) should be sent by the author to the Editor in the form of a Word file.
• EDITORIALS should provide an update on a subject and put relevant review articles into perspective. They should consist of a maximum of five typed pages and 10 bibliographical references.
• REVIEW ARTICLES should present recent developments, underline new advances and assess their implications and, finally, draw attention to issues which remain unresolved. Authors should be active in the field in question and should incorporate their own results into the analysis.
– Articles must not exceed 15 typed pages.
– Articles should include a title in French and English, as well as an informative abstract in French (200 words) and English (150 words), accompanied by between three and fi ve key words, again, in French and English.
– An introductory paragraph should be included that enables the reader to grasp the basic concepts that are required to understand the article.
– Articles should have at least five illustrations, tables, boxes or figures (unless prior agreement has been reached with the Editorial Committee).
– Bibliographical references should be selective rather than exhaustive: they are between 50 and 100 references (depending on the size of the review).
– Headings must be short (maximum of 18 characters).
– We recommend that articles are written in an editorial style, avoiding numerous sub-headings (chapters, sub-chapters, etc.).
• POINTS OF VIEW are more polemical texts that focus on dogmas, in which data is re-examined and re-interpreted, or new theories are suggested. These points of view are read by one or more Associate Editors who decide whether the content merits publication.
As with any article published in Virologie, they must be well reasoned and based on an adequate list of references. The final decision regarding publication will essentially depend upon the value of the content for the readership of Virologie and the article’s ability to stimulate discussions of general interest.
• CASE STUDY IMAGES present particularly interesting observations. These may be of histological, microscopical, clinical or epidemiological interest. They consist of a figure accompanied by a key and a description of less than one page in length. They can include up to three references.
• TECHNICAL NOTES are designed as short reviews that outline recent techniques or a range of techniques which have had a specific impact on the development of research or certain practices in virology. They must not exceed 10 typed pages, should not contain more than four tables or figures, must not have more than 15 references, and must be accompanied by an abstract in French and English.
• NEWS UPDATE (up to two typed pages) addresses new and significant developments in virology (for information on presentation, refer to news updates previously published in the journal).
• THE LETTERS PAGE is reserved for publishing short letters (maximum one typed page) that draw attention to a specific point or provide a commentary on an article which has previously been published. They should include a title for the table of contents and for reference purposes in French and English, which must not exceed 65 characters (if longer, include a shorter title with fewer than 65 characters which will be used in the table of contents).
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to publish letters in the Vie section of the journal without indexing or mentioning the article in the table of contents.
Bibliographical references are listed in the order they appear in the text and are referred to in the text by a number in square brackets.
To comply with the instructions for Virologie, you may use Endnote software ( or Zotero (
• For review articles: the name of all authors in lower case (with initial capitals), followed by the initials of their first names in capitals. Title of the article (in the original language). Name of the journal in italics, abbreviated using the Index Medicus style (no punctuation after abbreviations), year; volume: fi rst and last page of the article. Example: 1. Turon-Lagot V, Saviano A, Schuster C, Verrier ÉR. Virus de l’hépatite D : cycle viral et nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Virologie 2019 ; 23 : 149-59.
• For articles in books: name of all authors in lower case (with initial capitals), followed by the initials of their fi rst names in capitals, title of the article (in the original language). In: name and initials of the ‘editors’. Title of the book. Town: publisher’s name, year of publication: first and last page of the article. Example: 3. Palese PA, Shaw ML. Orthomyxoviridae: the viruses and their replication. In: Knipe DM, Howley PM, eds. Fields virology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 2007, p. 1647-89.
• For books: name of all authors. Title of the book. Town: publisher’s name, year of publication: page number. Example: 4. Davison F, Nair V, eds. Marek’s disease: an evolving problem. London: Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.
• For news items or news updates appearing in Virologie, references are integrated into the text indicating, between brackets, the number, volume and first page. Example: (Virologie, no 4, vol. 8, p. 581).
The Editorial Committee of Virologie requests that each article is illustrated with at least five figures, tables and photographs (with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi).
Illustrations should be provided, at the end of the article or on separate pages in jpeg or tiff format, accompanied by a legend and referenced in the text. For tables or figures which are reproduced unchanged, indicate the exact reference (authors, title of the publication, publisher, etc.) and attach permission to reproduce the image from the author and the publisher. These permissions are generally granted via the website (see "Get permission" button available for each article).
Because Virologie is a multidisciplinary journal, authors should avoid abbreviations. All acronyms and abbreviations must be explained in full the first time they appear in the text. Abbreviations of viruses used should follow the ICTV (International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses).
We thank authors for their contributions to the journal.