Book submission : Instructions for authors
It is recommended that articles be organized in a way that keeps classifications such as chapter headings and subheads to a minimum.
Subtitles must be short.
To the authors whose first language is not English: please have your manuscripts read by a fluent English speaker before submitting them.
Books are mainly printed in one color (black).
Please make sure to supply the complete name, address and e-mail of the person to whom queries and proofs should be sent.
Manuscripts should preferably be in Times New Roman 12, double-line spacing.
Rights & permissions
Submission of your text for publication implies that the chapter has not been published elsewhere: all permissions must be dealt with by the author. The copyright for this work, in printed book, electronic or other forms will rest with John Libbey Eurotext.
Tables and their headings should be typed on a separate sheet and numbered by Roman numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. Explanations, keys to symbols and notes are typed below the tables.
Footnote references must be symbols (numerals or asterisks, for example).
The book is mainly printed in one color (black).
For maximum quality, figures and graphs should be submitted as separate files, using a Windows compatible format (EPS, JPEG and TIFF). A printed version must accompany each copy of the manuscript. They must be named as they appear in the manuscript.
Illustrations that have already appeared in another publication must be accompanied by a copy of the copyright holder’s authorisation for their use. These permissions must be asked by the authors of the chapter and not by the publisher.
Captions must be typed on a separate sheet double spaced. They should be concise but understandable without reference to the text. A key to abbreviations and symbols used in the illustration should be included in the caption.
References will be styled according to the Harvard system.
References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the chapter.
For a particular first author, the sequence should be:
(1) References by author alone;
(2) References by author with one co-author (alphabetically by co-author);
(3) References with three or more authors, in date order. Authors of unpublished work and which is not in press are included in the text only. The following information is required.
The following information is required:
- In the text, numbered references are not used. The first author’s name and year of publication must be given in parenthesis. If there are only 2 authors, they should be presented as: (Keller & Braddick, 2012). For 3 or more authors, name of the first author et al. and year of publication (Shinnar et al., 2013). References of abstracts should remain exceptional.
- Authors of unpublished work and which is not in press are included in the text only.
The following information is required:
Journals: full authors’ last names and initials. Title of article. Name of journal abbreviated according to World list of scientific periodicals, but with initial capitals for each word and in italics. Year of publication. Volume. First and last pages.
The titles of journals should be abbreviated following the style of the US National Library of Medicine (appearing each year in the January issue of Index Medicus).
Publications with three or more authors must be given up to a maximum of three and any more should be indicated by et al.
Example of journal references:
Hoppner AC, Fauser S, Kerling F. Clinical course of intoxication with the new anticonvulsant drug perampanel. Epileptic Disord 2013; 15: 362-4.
Kapoor S.Pallister-Killian syndrome: a common yet under-recognised cause of epileptic spasms.Epileptic Disord 2013 Dec 6. [Epub ahead of print]
Books require the following data: full authors’ last names and initials. Title of book (each important word should start with a capital letter) in italics – or title of contribution followed by book title. Edition if other than first; last names of editors if any; Location and name of publisher, Year of publication, pages.
Examples of book references:
Wirrell C. Outcome of idiopathic generalized epilepsy and the role of EEG discharges. In: Arts WF, Arzimanoglou A, Brouwer OF, Camfield C, Camfield P. Outcome of Childhood Epilepsies. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext, 2013, pp. 149-62.3
Abbreviations should be defined in brackets on first mention in the text. Units, symbols and terminology must follow international conventions. Standard units of measure and chemical symbols do not need to be defined in the text.
Proofs will be sent as PDF low resolution files and should be carefully corrected (for typographical errors only) as soon as they are received and returned to the publisher within seven days, by express mail or fax.
Written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) to reproduce material in your paper from another source such as an illustration, graph, chart, table or even quotations must be obtained before submitting your manuscript.
There might be permission fees applicable for each permission and which remain the sole responsibility of the author. JLE is not responsible for paying any permission fees that are due.
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