Environnement, Risques & Santé

Environnement, Risques & Santé

Volume 22, issue 2, March-April 2023


Volume 22, issue 2, March-April 2023


En accès libre Invention and biomimicry? (p.88-92)
Jean-Claude André
Free Access


Article The idea of health and its holistic (mis)adventures (p.93-8)
Yorghos Remvikos

Article Unpredictability (p.99-102)
Jean-Claude André

Articles originaux/Original Articles

Article Domestic environmental interventions in Paris: housing-related risk factors identified and patients’ pathologies, changes in health after intervention and compliance with advice given to reduce indoor exposure (p.103-17)
Kiran Ramgolam, Valérie Bex, Ghoufrane Binti Idouay, Claude Beaubestre, Agnès Lefranc

Article Qualitative analysis of the risk of market gardeners being contaminated by phytosanitary products in Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire (p.118-30)
Étienne Kouakou, Nagnin Soro, Nadège Koiadia, Guéladio Cissé, Brama Koné

Article Evaluation of the contamination of edible leaves in the cotton-growing zone of Kérou and Péhunco (Benin) by metallic trace elements, pyrethroids and glyphosate (p.131-9)
Wanignissa Rose Kobta, Hervé Janvier Kouessivi Bokossa, Ibouraïma Yabi, Aboubakar Kissira, Roch Christian Johnson

Brèves/News from the Literature

Article News from the literature (p.141-7)

Mot à mot/Which Word?

Article Invention / Innovation (p.148-50)
Jean-Claude André


En accès libre Département de l’environnement, du changement climatique et de la santé à l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, Genève (p.151-4)
Sophie Gumy, Josselyn Mothe
Open Access


Article Legislation (p.155-60)
Laurence Clasquin

Ouvrages parus/Recent Publications

Article Recent publications (p.161-7)
Jean-Claude André, Luc Foulquier, Pierre-André Cabanes


Article Notepad (p.168-70)