Environnement, Risques & Santé

Environnement, Risques & Santé

Volume 22, issue 3, May-June 2023

Numéro thématique Pesticides en Afrique. Regards croisés sur les politiques publiques et les usages sociaux.


Volume 22, issue 3, May-June 2023


En accès libre Pesticides in Africa. An analysis of public policies and social uses (p.175-8)
Théodore Doudou Dimi, Martine Audibert, Apollinaire Roch Houngnihin, Raphaël Oura Kouadio, Jérôme Kouakou Konan
Free Access


Article Pesticides and agricultural development in Côte d’Ivoire: the case of the coffee-cocoa binomial, from colonisation to the present day (p.179-84)
Tanoh Raphaël Bekoin

Articles originaux/Original Articles

Article Social experiences in the implementation of the policy to certify pesticide sellers in Côte d’Ivoire (p.185-96)
Théodore Doudou Dimi, Aimé-Charles Kouadio Konan, Marc Egrot, Appolinaire Roch Houngnihin

Article Knowledge of pictograms on pesticide bottles among market gardeners in southern Benin (p.197-204)
Claude Ahouangninou, Karl Nassi, Franciscaine Hounkpatin, Badirou Aguemon, Thibaud Martin, Marie-Paule Kestemont, Patrick Edorh

En accès libre Rodent proliferation in urban and agricultural settings of sub-Saharan Africa The dark side of synthetic chemical rodenticides (p.205-11)
Ambroise Dalecky, Madougou Garba, Abdoulaziz Ibrahim Danzabarma, Jonas Etougbétché, Sylvestre Badou, Henri-Joël Dossou, Ibrahima Sow, Cheikh Tidiane Niang, Ousmane Diene, Idrissa Diallo, Mohamed Seyidna Ali Saghiri, Mohamed El Hady Sidatt, Frank Van Steenbergen, Amadou Bocar Bal, Luwieke Bosma, Gualbert Houéménou, Solimane Ag Atteynine, Karmadine Hima, Gauthier Dobigny, Yonas Meheretu
Open Access

Notes techniques/Technical Notes

Article Issues arising from regulating the use of pesticides in urban agriculture in Côte d’Ivoire (p.212-8)
Pélagie Théoua-N’Dri, Komoé Guy-Roland Kossonou, Kadidia Mah Soko Ouattara

Article Encouraging agroecology to reduce the use of pesticides in West and Central Africa (p.219-29)
Valentin Beauval, Amélie Bajolet, Bertrand Mathieu, Sabine Patricot, Dominique Lebreton

Article Intra-urban market gardening in the face of increasing demand for vegetables among urban dwellers: measuring pesticides and health risks in Bouake (Côte d’Ivoire) (p.230-42)
Kouadio Raphaël Oura, Kouakou Rémi N’dri, Florence Fournet, Théodore Doudou Dimi

Brèves/News from the Literature

Article News from the literature (p.243-6)
Corinne Mandin, Jean-Claude André

Mot à mot/Which Word?

Article Épidémie, endémie, pandémie, syndémie (p.247-55)
Jean Simos, Jean Lesne


Article Alliance Santé Planétaire (p.257-8)
Elisabeth Gnansia


Article Legislation (p.259-65)
Laurence Clasquin

Ouvrages parus/Recent Publications

Article Recent publications (p.266-8)
Luc Foulquier


Article Notepad (p.269-72)